Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Couch to 5k For the Cure

Register TODAY! This 8-week Walk-to-Run 5k Training Program, in partnership with Komen Chattanooga's "Race for the Cure" starts Sunday, August 5th at 4:30-5:30pm. We'll be meeting at TN River Park at Chickamauga Dam (We'll meet directly underneath the dam, by the stairs, at the "0" mile marker. Take 153 to Amnicola Hwy exit, then 1st rd on right off of Amnicola, follow road down to Riverpark, park in 1st parking lot). The program is $60 for the full 8-weeks.  
"Couch to 5k for the Cure" will commence just in time for you to participate in the 5k at the Susan G. Komen's 13th Annual "Race for the Cure". 
The "Couch to 5k" group will meet every Sunday, led by Scenic City Boot Camp trainer, Clarissa Seales. She'll guide you through a team training session and give you homework to complete in groups or individually during the week. You must be able to commit to 2-3 days per week. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Exercise: It’s a Love Thing | Crazy Sexy Life

Exercise: It’s a Love Thing | Crazy Sexy Life

I really enjoyed this article.  I started out last year all guns firing!!  Damn near killing myself for 6 months.

I resolve today to take it easy on myself - I mean spiritually...I choose to exercise because I am starting to enjoy it.  I choose to exercise because I am starting to like the way my body this I mean when I touch my legs, chest, and arms I feel more muscle than fat.  My skin feels tight around those muscle and mostly - I can finally feel those muscles again as I move forward.  That's why I enjoy exercising - it makes me feel again.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cat Yoga

The second week of being smokefree, I hurt my back pretty bad and had to go to the emergency room. I had to rest for two whole weeks!!  Finally they released me to go back to my bootcamp and training and my trainer decided (I totally agreed) that I was not ready for bootcamp yet.

So, I started doing some yoga exercises for the lower back every morning upon awakening and every evening before bed (or at least I try to).  One evening while I was trying to do these stretches, my cat Sophie who just loves that blue yoga mat - well just see the picture below.

I am still smoke-free and doing cardio everyday and training once a week and now I am enjoying Cat Yoga too!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Kiss Me I am Smokefree!

Smokefree for 19 Days Now!

My First Week SmokeFree

I turned 50 on May 11th and decided that I had enough of this smoking!!

Sunday May 27, 2012 - My first day smokefree

Days one and two are a blur.  I just hung out at home and watched movies chewed two packs of nicotine gum and wore a nicotine patch.

Day three: I stopped all nicotine gum and patch.  Oh thats better!  That stopped most of the major cravings.  I did two bootcamps and still had energy.

Day four: I did 40 minutes of cardio followed by a one-hour training - and Kristin did not ease up on me.  After dinner that night - went for a 2.5 mile walk and ran half way up Forest Avenue.  Then went downstairs and finished a load of laundry.  The last two days I had only a few craving episodes and mostly when I was driving.

Day five:  Today was challenging.  I did a 9am bootcamp before heading to work.  This was the first day I had clients - and today of all days - 2 clients with pretty big problems YIKES!!  Chewed several pieces of non-nicotine gum and a couple a dum-dums along with hot green tea and made through without a smoke.  But I completely forgot to eat lunch - not good!  Fell asleep around 9:00pm - but woke up at 1-am then back to bed at 3-am and up again at 6:00am. I sometimes do this when I go to bed too early.

Notes from day five:  It appears that when I exert myself more the less I have those annoying cravings.  When I do have those cravings, I take deep breaths - get up and walk or do pushups or squats.  If I just keep moving forward (Literally) they seem to subside quicker.

Day six:  Today was a bit easier.  Still having cravings but they don't last as long.  I was only able to do one bootcamp today - I think my energy from earlier in the week just got zapped.  I took a long nap, washed dishes, ordered some cool t-shirts from cafe press, watched a movie and went to bed around 9:00.

Day seven: My cat woke me up around 6:00 am on a Saturday morning!  I suppose she is accustomed to us getting up during the week at that time.  Made it through day seven and starting to feel really good.

....more later....

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Update to my Journey

To bring you up to date....with Tax season and remodeling of our new office I had to take time off from my workouts...all of this ended up costing me an added 10 lbs!!

It was too easy to revert back to my old eating habits - lack of time to prepare the proper foods - I had begun eating fast foods just to get something to eat before the next client comes in...Stress from overworking and trying to do as much of the remodeling as I could...all of this lead me back down that road of unhealthy eating and lack of exercise.  In January I weighed in at 154 - then by the time April came, I weighed 164 lbs.

I went thru a couple of weeks of depression, denial, and just down right mad at myself - finally I was able to forgive myself and make the decision to change - AGAIN!

Today is May 23, 2012 and I am back on track again.  I started back to bootcamp (Scenic City Bootcamp) and began my healthy eating habits.  I workout everyday - 60 minutes of bootcamp, walking as much as possible, and once a week personal training.  I weighed today at 162 lbs - 2 down and 27 more to go!

Now, most of my friends and family know that I am a smoker - but to my surprise - my bootcamp instructor (Kristen Harvey) was completely taken back when she found out!  I started taking wellbutrin on Monday to try to quit...I am supposed to put them down on Saturday - I will keep you posted on my progress with this.

To others out there who have given up...forgive yourself and get up off your keesters and do something!